About Me

Hey, I am Markus, a Freelance Full Stack Web Developer, Calisthenics enthusiast, craft beer lover, and biohacker.

I created this website to be visible on the web as a developer and to share the knowledge that I gathered over the years. I want to provide value to the public and share my thoughts. I wrote an article explaining my reasons why I started this blog.

The topics that I am especially passionate about are application performance optimization, dependency upgrades, code quality, technical SEO and accessibility.

I love open source software and made code contributions to libraries like Microsoft WebTemplateStudio, Svelte, Ferdium, react-boilerplate, Ethereum and eslint-plugin-unicorn in the past.

Additionally, I write technical articles which are published on platforms like freeCodeCamp, Hacker Noon, Medium and codeburst or hold presentations at meetups.

Facts about me

Current office setup