Opinions and viewpoints about Programming, Lifestyle and other topics. I am here to share my knowledge in an expressive manner and there will be guest authors from time to time.
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Displaying 16 of 16 posts
There are many great ways of how you can begin building your confidence and showing your clients why...
Let’s take a look at some free tools you should check out that will help you run a smoother, more re...
Have you ever found yourself standing in the shampoo isle of a store, reading the contents of the bo...
It is certainly a challenging adventure to switch from the secure and predictable path as a member o...
Regular scandals of data leaks by big corporate companies and concerns about misuse of personal info...
To save you valuable time on your web development projects in the future, make sure to avoid these e...
The open source movement is growing quickly and you should become a part of it too.
Although the initial release of Svelte was back in November 2016, it's still more of an underdog amo...
This comprehensive and regularly updated list includes all the beers that I drank since around 2018.
When I started with open source contributions in April 2019, I remember being scared about doing eve...
Through my personal experience, the character traits mentioned below can help you out in life tremen...
Yesterday, I experienced an intense and vivid dream and I knew right away after waking up that I had...
As a naturally curious person with a thirst for knowledge, it is easy to get swamped by the sheer am...
How to choose where to set up your website when you have so many options and so little time.
Since I wanted to go for a website built on a modern JAMStack setup, I had these options based on fr...
In contrast to blogs who focus on a single topic, I want to write about and cover these topics in de...