All you need is code. - Photo by
Clément H
A JavaScript framework is a collection of components and libraries that provides code for routine programming tasks like routing, HTTP calls, and more, so you don’t have to write everything from scratch!
Wow, what a framework!
In this post, I will explain my thought process of how I was able to single out a tech-stack that would fulfill all the criteria I need to build a well-structured website:
- snappy, lightning-fast performance
- optimized SEO for being visible on the web
- developer friendliness for hacking away efficiently
- innovation in the field of website tools
- natural curiousness as a developer to try out new technologies
Since I wanted to go for a website built on a modern JAMStack setup, I had these options based on framework popularity and matureness:
- Next.js
- Gatsby
- Hugo
- Nuxt.js
- and maaaany more
You can see a full list of available static site generators provided by Netlify on StaticGen, there are a lot of competitors!
Since I have about 2 years of professional experience working with React, it would have made a lot of sense to choose Next.js as my preferred framework, but that would have been too easy, right?
To be more versatile with different JavaScript frameworks out there, I decided against a React-based framework like Next.js.
I didn’t want to pick Gatsby again because I am already using it for another project of mine that I recently started working on called DAW Comparison.
Apart from wanting to try different tools, I didn’t fully enjoy the developer experience using Gatsby as I ran into issues with performance, having a difficult time figuring out how to get gatsby-image working the way I want and getting frustrated by unmaintained/duplicated plugins.
Nevertheless, I am certain that Gatsby is here to stay and will grow into an excellent framework, especially since it is already very popular and received $28M in Series B Funding in May 2020.
Although I am interested in trying out the Go language for writing a backend project at some point, I was not interested in Hugo due to it not being on my radar, but also because of its confusing-looking templating syntax, for example:
{{ define "main" }}
<main aria-role="main">
<header class="homepage-header">
{{ with .Params.subtitle }}
<span class="subtitle">{{.}}</span>
{{ end }}
<div class="homepage-content">{{.Content}}</div>
{{ range first 10 .Site.RegularPages }} {{ .Render "summary"}} {{ end }}
{{ end }}
It might be a really powerful site generator, but I aim for simplicity for my website project.
Building the website with Nuxt.js would have made a lot of sense as I would have gained some hands-on experience with all three major JavaScript frameworks (React, Angular and Vue.js).
Vue.js is gaining a lot of popularity on GitHub and across the JS scene because it pretty much combines the best features of React and Angular, but as you will read further below, I eventually decided to go with the underdog.
Small detour
A while ago, I found out about Svelte and felt intrigued and fascinated by its promise to be a radical new approach to building user interfaces.
As seen on their website, “Svelte shifts the bulk of work that is usually done in the browser into a compile step that happens when you build your app”. Hey, that sounds like a great way to solve performance issues for me!
After working through the whole Svelte tutorial, I had a few WTF moments (in the most positive sense) where I was impressed by its absolute simplicity and smooth developer experience.
Nevertheless, after acknowledging that it’s too underground and might die a horrible “Just another JavaScript framework” death sooner or later and lacking a real-world project to try it out on, I dismissed it and forgot about Svelte again.
Fast-forward to the initial research of the potential JAMStack setup of this website.
I coincidentally ran across SapperJS and realized that it is “powered by Svelte” and developed by the same core team.
After a short moment of triumphing, I saw this notice on their documentation:

This will be a risky choice. - Early development notice on
Sapper documentation
Oh, snap! That sounds like a lot of potential headaches, I still remember the upgrades from Angular 2 to 4 and Webpack 3 to 4 much too well.
So my choices came down to
- go with stable and mature Nuxt.js, be relevant to the job market and profit from a large community in case I get stuck and have to rely on Stack Overflow
- choose early development SapperJS, which did not hit a major version yet and potentially run into a few breaking changes along the way
In doubt, get a second opinion
Not an easy choice, am I right? I decided to ask a former work colleague that I can always rely on for good information and advice.
He is smart as hell and has about 20 years of experience in the JavaScript ecosystem, so that helps in situations like this.
I asked: “Hey Pete, I would love to use SapperJS for my website, but it is still in early development, it’s a stupid idea, right?”
He responded: “It’s not stupid at all, just be aware that you might need to refactor or redo a lot of code. But especially with personal projects, it’s great to try out new tools and grow from the experience.”
Kind of surprised that he wouldn’t turn down the idea right away and that he even encouraged me to try it out, I felt motivated and jumped right into it!
Starting with an underdog framework also meant that there would be a lacking ecosystem of plugins and solutions, but I was aware of that and accepted it as part of building the website from scratch and seeing it as a great learning experience.
Progressing fast with Sapper
I started with the sapper-template-rollup and quickly set up the first few pages.
Now after working on the website on and off for about a month, I am proud to have reached these goals:
- fast, performant and fully-responsive site
- a blog site with filtering options and sub-pages for categories/tags
- GDPR-compliance with own cookie notice and opt-in to Google Analytics
- a commenting system with ReplyBox
- fast styling of layouts with Tailwind CSS
- shipping less than 300kb of resources and ~20 requests across each page
- lazy loading and image optimization with svelte-image
- easy deployment to Netlify
- close to 100% on Lighthouse audit
I was able to focus almost exclusively on these goals without worrying about site performance because Sapper comes with advanced features and optimizations like route prefetching, server-side rendering, automatic code-splitting, and offline support out of the box!
My experience so far
In case you feel inspired to start with SapperJS as well, these are my thoughts and experiences so far about what works well and what doesn’t:
- great starter template with plenty of optimization options provided
- it works smoothly without any hiccups or weird errors even though it is in its early development stages
- you automatically profit from awesome Svelte features like concise syntax, built-in linting, a11y, marking of unused CSS, and more
- development server starts fast and does hot module reloading
- no framework-specific
components, just<a>
tags which support prefetching - guaranteed smooth integration with Rollup, which was also created by Rich Harris, the founder of Svelte
- Discord channel with a nice community for all your potential questions
- Sapper documentation is good but doesn’t cover various edge cases which happen in development
- a lot of necessary SEO attributes are not set by default, e.g. meta description
- lacking ecosystem and component libraries either not existent or early development e.g. Svelma (Bulma components for Svelte)
All in all, I didn’t encounter any severe cons at the time of writing, and I am optimistic that with all the hype around SvelteJS we will see the ecosystem steadily grow into a mature and well-respected web application framework.
If building a website with JAMStack doesn’t sound interesting to you, you can check out my other post about Wix, WordPress, JAMStack- Oh My! for some great alternatives.
Thanks for reading!